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Custom Services

​With our experienced team and comprehensive approach, we deliver tailored services to meet your unique business needs. Our structured service process ensures a seamless implementation and maximizes the benefits of RFID technology.


Initial Consultation:

At Rocket RFID, we start by understanding your specific requirements and business objectives. Our experts will engage with you in an in-depth discussion to assess your needs, identify pain points, and determine the scope of the project.

Site Survey

Once we have a clear understanding of your goals, we conduct a thorough site survey. This crucial step involves a comprehensive assessment of your physical environment, existing infrastructure, and operational processes.


Our site survey includes:


Site Walkthrough

Our team will visit your location to evaluate the layout, infrastructure, and any potential obstacles that may impact the RFID system's performance. We take note of key areas, entry/exit points, and operational workflows


Hardware Testing

We conduct rigorous hardware testing to ensure optimal RFID performance. This includes RFID tag selection to match your specific requirements and read range testing to determine the appropriate positioning of readers and antennas for optimal coverage.


Formal Document Delivery

After completing the site survey, we provide you with a formal document that outlines the findings and requirements. This document serves as a critical reference for the subsequent stages, including implementation planning.


Implementation Planning

With the site survey results in hand, our expert team develops a detailed implementation plan tailored to your business. We take into account your objectives, budget, timeline, and operational considerations. Our implementation planning covers the selection of suitable RFID hardware, software integration, customization requirements, and any necessary infrastructure modifications.


Final Solution Delivery

Once the implementation plan is finalized, our team executes the project according to the agreed-upon timeline. We meticulously install and configure the RFID infrastructure, ensuring all components are seamlessly integrated. Our technicians thoroughly test the system to guarantee its reliability and performance.


Project Review and Sign-off

After the successful deployment of the RFID solution, we conduct a comprehensive project review. This stage allows us to evaluate the system's performance, address any outstanding issues, and ensure that your expectations have been met. Once you are satisfied with the solution's functionality and performance, we obtain your sign-off, marking the completion of the project

Partner with Rocket RFID today to unlock the full potential of RFID technology for your business. Contact us for a consultation, and let our experienced team provide you with a custom solution that streamlines your operations, enhances efficiency, and boosts your bottom line.

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